Essay On Emperor Akbar And His Nine Gems

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Essay On Emperor Akbar And His Nine Gems

Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar also known as Akbar-e-Azam is popularly known as “Akbar the great. He was born on 14th October 1542 at Sindh. He was the third Mughal Emperor of India. He was the son of Emperor Humayun and the grandson of Emperor Zaheruddin Muhammad Babur who was the founder of Mughal dynasty in India.

Akbar spent his childhood in learning hunting, running and fighting. This early life made him brave, powerful and a courageous warrior. Akbar wanted to seek more and more knowledge. Whenever he went to bed, there would be somebody reading for him. Akbar was only thirteen when he ascended the throne of Delhi. He strengthened his control by keeping good relations with the powerful Hindu Rajputs Kings.

Akbar was a lover of learning. He was a great supporter of art and architecture. He took great interest in painting and supported the European style of painting. He was fond of literature. Many Sanskrit works were translated into Persian during his period.

Akbar showed great tolerance towards all faiths and religions. He respected the leaders of all religion. His administration included many Hindu courtiers and military generals. Religious discussions were held where Muslim scholars discussed religious matters with the scholars of Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Jain and Parsee religions. Akbar patiently listened to them. He even founded a religion called ‘Din-iilahi’ by gathering the best from his understanding of other religions.

Akbar’s court had some of the best men India had at that time. Nine such unusual talents, shone brightly in their own fields. They were known as Akbar’s nine gems.

Abul Fazl was a scholar and a historian. He wrote Akbarnama explaining the brilliant administration of Akbar. Faizi was Abul Fazl’s brother. He was a poet. Akbar appointed him as a tutor for his son. Mian Tansen was a singer and a court musician. Akbar was very fond of him. Akbar gave him the title Mian’. Birbal was a poor Brahmin.

He was appointed by Akbar for his wit and wisdom. Birbal was the most liked minister of Akbar. Raja Todar Mal was a finance minister. He was also a warrior. Akbar gave him the title “Diwan-I- Ashraf.’ Raja Man Singh was a trusted general. Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khan was a poet. He was the son of Akbar’s childhood caretaker, Bairam Khan. Fagir Aziao Din and Mullan Do Piaza were the two advisors of the Emperor.

On 3rd October 1605, Akbar fell ill due to dysentery. He never recovered from it and died on 27 October 1605. His body was buried at a tomb in Agra. He firmly rooted the power of the Mughal Empire in India after the Afghans had threatened it during his father’s rule.

Essay On Emperor Akbar And His Nine Gems


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