Essay on Grapes

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Essay Grapes
Essay on Grapes

Essay on Grapes

Essay on Grapes: Grapes are small green or purple fruit that grows in bushes on a climbing plant. It is called vine’. It is a type of fruit growing in clusters of 15 to 300. It grows in different colors like, black, dark blue, yellow, green, orange, and pink. It is sweet as well as sour in taste.

A grape is a fruiting berry. Grapes can be eaten raw. They are also used in making different foodstuffs like jam, juice, jelly, wine, vinegar, grape seed oil, etc. Grapes grow on trees that lose their leaves every year.

The cultivation of the domesticated grape began 6,000 to 8,000 years ago. The earliest proof of making wine in human culture dates back to 8,000 years ago in Georgia. Ancient Egyptian history shows a record of cultivating purple grapes. History also shows that the ancient Greeks and Romans grew purple grapes. They used them for both eating and wine production. The growing of grapes later spread to other regions in Europe, North Africa, and later in North America.

According to one organization, 75,866 square kilometers of the world are dedicated to grapes. About 71% of world grape production is used to produce wine. It is believed that the most widely planted variety is Sultana. It is also known as Thompson Seedless in the United States. The second most common variety is Airen. Other popular varieties include Prince, Cabernet, Merlot, Riesling, Chardonnay, etc.

The grape grows well in dry climates. It requires short winter and long dry summers. A temperature above 16Β°C and moderate rainfall are best for the grape crop. It requires soils rich in limes. Frost is harmful to the crop as it is a summer crop.

As grape production is not able to meet the demand of our country, India has to import different varieties of grapes from other countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Australia, and the United States.

Essay on Grapes
Essay on Grapes


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