Essay On My Favourite Dream

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On My Favourite Dream

I always dream of a better and happier world. I find that there is too much of misery and suffering in the world. So I dream of a world without pain or suffering. Sickness causes much pain and suffering. Hence I would banish sickness from this world. Physical pain is not the only misery of human beings. They also have to suffer mental pain. They are ill-treated and caused much pain by the cruelty of other human beings. In my favourite dream, there is no physical or mental pain in the world.

Again the world suffers on account of the selfishness of nations that fight wars. Wars bring untold misery to human beings. So in my favourite dream, I see a world without wars.

If wars are not there, there is peace and plenty. All countries prosper and are happy. Lastly in my favourite dream | visualize a world where people live in a spirit of co-operation and brotherhood. There is no distinction between man and man on grounds of colour or creed. Everyone is given due importance because he is a human being. My favourite dream therefore is about an ideal world where everything is perfect.

Essay On My Favourite Dream


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