Essay On Example is better than precept

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On Example is better than precept

Actions speak louder than words in a common saying. An action done for us to see is easier to imitate than doing it after a detailed instruction. Similarly when I see my teacher behaving in a kind and loving manner, I find it easy and meaningful to become kind and loving myself. If on the other hand my teacher were harsh and unkind and tell me to be loving and kind, I would find the order difficult to follow.

Today I am able to read and write because my teachers did the same for me again and again so I could do what I saw them doing. Another very old saying which says much the same thing is, ‘Practice what you preach’. This saying points at those who are in the habit of telling people what to do and what not to do, without bothering to do likewise themselves.

We should always strive hard to do the right thing always. I should not expect others to do things right if I don’t do it right myself. It would be proper, therefore, either to stop telling people what to do and what not to do or to start and make a habit of practicing what one wants to preach about. A very good reason to do it is found in the saying : ‘Example is better than precept’.

Essay On Example is better than precept


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