Essay On My Ambition

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Essay On My Ambition
Essay On My Ambition

Essay On My Ambition 300 Words

Man is an ambitious being. It’s hard to find a person in this world who does not have any ambition or desire. Somebody wishes for success while somebody for money. Somebody wants to be a leader and some want to become an author. Some may want to become an actor. Somebody wants to be either a doctor or an engineer or a trader and wishes to become very rich and famous. Somebody wishes to be a great warrior.

My ambition is to become a successful teacher. Since my childhood, I have been very fond of teaching. I usually teach my younger brother and sister during their exams and also help my friends in solving their difficulties. To be a teacher is my firm desire. I believe that a teacher is responsible for building and developing the nation. A teacher tries hard to shape up child’s life. This is indeed a very, meritorious task. Teachers have enough leisure time because they get Divali and Summer vacations. They can use this free time for any type of social work.

To become a teacher, I will have to work hard. After my graduation, I will have to obtain a degree in education. After that, I will have to pass through different selection procedures conducted by various educational institutions. I have decided to put in all efforts for that. A teacher’s job is to show the path to others and brighten everybody’s lives. It is not enough to get only the degrees. A teacher’s life is a life of penance. He should be ethical and honest. Only an ideal teacher can become a role model for the students.

Apart from teaching regular textbook lessons, it is necessary to teach ethics and moral values to the students. It is the duty of every teacher to tell them the importance of discipline and to inculcate this habit in them. A successful teacher is one who understands the capabilities of a student.

It is my strong belief that I shall achieve my ambition and fulfill my wish. I shall leave no stone unturned to achieve this.

Essay On My Ambition 400 Words

Every person has some or other ambition in life. Our life would be meaningless if we do not have any ambition. It tells us how to face difficulties and achieve our goals. Once we decide our goal it becomes easier to collect the necessary things. That is why being ambitious is very important. Man is an ambitious animal. This quality differentiates him from the rest of the animals. Ambition is the stepping stone towards success. Every person has different aims, ambitions, and likings.

My ambition is to become a successful teacher. I want to be an honest and good teacher. My father is my role model. He was a very successful teacher. Many of his students are renowned personalities today and they have acquired higher posts in various fields. I have heard them remembering him and speaking very highly about him.

I know one has to read a lot in order to be a good teacher. Teaching is a very noble profession. Since my childhood, I have ‘been very fond of reading. I have a good collection of books on various subjects. I believe that a teacher is responsible for building and developing the nation. We have very few skilled and intelligent teachers in our country.

Teaching is a specialized field. A teacher should possess qualities like generosity, sincerity, and kindness. He should be aware of his duties and responsibilities. A teacher tries hard to shape a child’s life. He builds the nation in the true sense. His only aim is to shape up the future of his student and to make him a good citizen. This is indeed a very meritorious task. A teacher’s life is a life of penance. Only an ideal teacher can become a role model for the students. A successful teacher is one who understands the capabilities of a student and can develop him or her accordingly.

To become a teacher, I will have to work hard. After completing my graduation and post-graduation, I will have to obtain a degree in education. I always try to be disciplined and inculcate good habits. I have decided to put in all efforts for that. It is my strong belief that I shall achieve my ambition and fulfill my wish. I shall leave no stone unturned to achieve this.

Essay On My Ambition


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