Essay On My Favourite Leader

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Set 1: Essay On My Favourite Leader

The world has seen many leaders. But my favourite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. He is called the Father of the Nation. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October, 1869 at Porbandar in Kathiawar, Gujarat. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. His father, Karamchand Gandhi, was the Diwan of Rajkot. His mother, Putli Bai, was a simple and pious lady.

Gandhi was married to Kasturba at the age of thirteen. He received his early education at Rajkot and after passing his matriculation, went to England for higher studies. He returned to India as a barrister. He then went to South Africa to follow a case. There he was pained to see the deplorable condition of Indians at the hands of foreign rulers. He fought for the rights of Indians living there. His love for the oppressed and the neglected led him to start a movement against this oppression. He came back to India in 1913 and started taking active part in the movement against the British rule.

Gandhiji left his practice as a lawyer and worked for freedom of India. He suffered much for India’s freedom and had to go to jail several times. Gandhi gave a new shape to the freedom movement. He introduced nonviolent methods to fight the Britishers. He became a leader of the masses very soon as he took the movement to the common Indian by caring for the problems of the lowest of the low.

He loved the Harijans and worked for them all his life. He believed in truth and non-violence. He worked for rural upliftment and Hindu-Muslim unity. People of India called him ‘Bapu’. He started many non-violent movements such as “Satyagrah”, “Non Cooperation Movement”, “Quit India Movement” and “Salt Satyagrah”.

Gandhi tried to rid the masses of the fear of the landlord, police and money-lender. He was a staunch Indian, a Hindu, a believer of the principle “work is worship”. He won freedom for India following the path of Ahimsa’ which means non-violence, India became free from the British yoke on 15th August, 1947 because of the persistent efforts of Gandhiji. A maniac, Nathu Ram Godse shot Gandhiji dead on 30th January, 1948, when he was going for his evening prayers. He was a great man in the true sense who lived, worked and died for the sake of his country. He is no more with us but his ideals will remain immortal, and if we follow them, we can also do a great service to our motherland.

Essay On My Favourite Leader

Set 2: Essay On My Favourite Leader

My favourite leader is Mahatma Gandhi. His full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The word ‘mahatma’ (great soul) was conferred upon him by his great friend, Rabindranath Tagore, the great Indian poet.

Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869, at Porbandar in Gujarat. He had his education in India, and then went to study Law in London. And he became a barrister. He practiced law for few years in South Africa. Then Mahatma Gandhi returned to India and joined the Indian National Congress.

He participated in the freedom movement in India. He introduced a new method of non-violence, noncooperation into the movement, considering the helplessness of his unarmed poor countrymen.

Mahatma Gandhi organized mass movement in India, and went to jail several times in his life. In 1942, he began his historic ‘Quit India’ movement and bravely faced all kinds of odds. After long struggle, India won its freedom in 1947.

After the partition of India, Gandhi Ji worked for Hindu-Muslim unity. On 30th January 1948, Nathu Ram Godse, a Hindu fundamentalist, shot him dead for his sympathy towards the Muslim Community. The Indians pay homage to this great leader on his birthday qnd I consider Mahatma Gandhi as the greatest leader of India.

Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest man of the 20th century; he was respected by the whole world. The greatest scientists, Eienstein, said that the coming generation would not easily believe that such a man ever lived on the earth.

Set 3: Essay On My Favourite Leader

The greatest thing about him was that he was a human to the core and has a loving heart for the poor and the homeless. He felt for all and wished well to the entire humanity.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, in the Kathiawar region of Gujarat on 2nd October, 1869. He received his early education at home. His father advised his son to go to England for higher studies. In England, Gandhiji qualified for the bar.

But on his return from England he did not succeed as a lawyer. So he went to South Africa. There he found that his countrymen were suffering under cruel laws. He led a protest movement successfully. His movement was entirely non-violent.

Returning to India in 1916, he threw himself into politics. He started the non-violent and noncooperation movements. He was sent to Jail many times and thousands of his countrymen followed him. Prof 1206 it to gran A long agitation finally forced the British Government to grant independence to India on 15th August, 1947.

Subsequently it was renamed as India and Pakistan. This caused untold sufferings to life and property on both sides of the borders. But the Father of the Nation-Bapu as he was called-was not in Delhi to rejoice. He was in distant Naokhali in East Bengal trying to bring peace among the Hindus and Muslims there.

Mahatma Gandhi lived a splendid long life. He achieved the greatest of his wishes—the freedom of India. He also wished to see India prosperous but God willed it otherwise.

Three bullets from a misguided young man finished his glorious career. He met a martyr’s death, for he was pleading for Hindu-Muslim unity and this was not acceptable to certain self interested and shortsighted people.

Mahatma Gandhi has set a standard before us. He has shown that great heights can be reached by man. By his life and later death he has served his mother country, and he has served humanity no less. He has shown the world the true way to peace.


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