Essay On Holidays and How to Spend Them

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Holidays are all meant for rest and recreation. The severe strain put upon the brain of the students by having to remain constantly engaged in studies for several months in the year makes it necessary for the brain to have some rest. This rest is afforded by the holidays during the summer vacation.

The holidays should, therefore, be utilised in such a manner as to give some rest to the body and mind, for which they are primarily intended. This does not however, mean that the days should be wasted away in sleeping and doing nothing else. Vacations give complete freedom to the student, liberty from the dull routine of his or her school or college and liberty from the daily duty and responsibility, but in enjoying this liberty they should be methodical.

Boys as well as girls should engage themselves in pleasant and profitable occupations. Recreations like walking in the open air, rowing, sports should be among the daily routine. Books should not altogether be avoided or neglected. Some reading, without overburdening the mind should be done. Old lessons should be revised. The reading of good novels, histories and biographies helps to increase the vocabulary of the students. This is also the time for those students who are weak in any subject. They can study hard to remove their deficiencies. At no other time can they expect to get sufficient time and leisure for this purpose.

Visit to the friends and relatives and thereby having an opportunity to see new places, is another way of spending your holidays. Those who can afford may quite profitably spend their time in visiting places of interest. Travelling broadens the mental outlook and increases knowledge.

If holidays are spent in the above mentioned ways, there is no doubt that every student will have renewed vigour and energy at the end of the vacations and will be quite fit to take up the hard life of students.

Essay On Holidays and How to Spend Them


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