Essay On Our National Language – Hindi

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Essay On Our National Language – Hindi

Hindi is the national language of India. It is a dialect group of languages, spoken in Northern and Central India. It is one of the official languages of India and is the most widespread language of India. Hindi is spoken by almost half a billion people in India and in other parts of the world. After Mandarin, Spanish and English, Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world.

Hindi is mainly written in Devanagari script also called Nagari’. Devanagari consists of 11 vowels and 33 consonants. Hindi is written from left to right. Indian states where Hindi is widely spoken are Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and national capital territory of New Delhi. Some of the dialects of Hindi are Bundeli, Marwari, Bhojpuri, Maithili, etc.

The Constituent Assembly adopted Hindi as an Official Language of the Union on 14 September 1949. Hence, this day is celebrated as ‘Hindi Day’. Hindi is spoken as a first language by more than 400 million people across the world. As a second language, more than 120 million people speak Hindi. Some Hindi speaking groups are also found in countries like Uganda, Bangladesh, South Africa and Yemen.

In some regions of India, learning of Hindi is considered less important. The main reason may be that all the knowledge of science, technology and business is available mostly in English. Speaking Hindi in public places, offices, schools and colleges is sometimes considered against one’s prestige. There is a need to discourage this tendency if we are keen that the status of Hindi has to be raised. We should give Hindi its due honour, only then our national character will be retained. Hindi speaking people should promote the use of more Hindi in their day-to-day life.

Once a great national leader expressed that, no country in the world can make progress depending on foreign language. What is the reason behind it? A foreign language cannot be the language of people. As far as India is concerned, English has made a gap between the people who know English and those who do not know. This can be dangerous for the progress of the country. We should not tolerate English educated high-class people on one hand and large groups of uneducated people on the other hand. One cannot even imagine that in future the medium of education in India can be English. Hindi or the regional languages must be more encouraged as the medium of instruction and communication.


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