Essay On Rainy Season
India has been blessed with a number of seasons. Summer, rainy, autumn, spring, and winter. Every season lasts for about two months each. The change in seasons is very essential for our survival. Our life will be very monotonous without them. Every season offers us something special. The rainy season lasts from July to September. It brings enjoyment to all. We get relief from the scorching heat of the sun.
India is an agricultural country. Agriculture in India is mainly based on the monsoon. Farmers are always waiting for the monsoons to arrive. As soon as it rains, they sow the seeds, and after that crops start growing very rapidly. Thus, the rainy season is very essential for them.
All animals and plants, too welcome the rainy season with great joy. Peacocks are very happy on the arrival of the monsoons and dance happily. The ponds get filled with water. The croaks of frogs can be heard distinctly. Trees look fresh and there is greenery everywhere. The fragrance of blossoming flowers mixes with air and spreads everywhere. The rivers overflow with water. This water can be used all year round for irrigation. The water level of the dams and reservoirs increases and this water can be used for producing hydroelectricity. Monsoons make even the desert regions green.
But we know that excess of everything is bad. Sometimes, due to heavy rainfall, some areas get flooded with water. This affects us to a great extent. There can be a spread of epidemic diseases. The standing crops are washed away. There is a great loss to human life and property. If it doesn’t rain, there will be chaos everywhere. There will be droughts. Our life will be in danger. There will be a shortage of agricultural produce. Life on the earth cannot survive without water. So the importance of the rainy season is extraordinary.