Essay On Story Of A Parrot

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Essay On Story Of A Parrot
Essay On Story Of A Parrot

Essay On Story Of A Parrot

One day, after school was over one of my friends invited me to see a surprise gift his father had got for him. I went to his house and was very happy to see a sweet little parrot sitting in a cage. My friend told me that his name is Ramu. We played with the parrot and fed him with guava and green chilies. We then tried to train Ramu to speak. While we were doing so, he suddenly started speaking to us.

“Don’t get surprised,” Ramu said. “You know parrots can speak just like you. Today I would like to tell you my story. I was born on a big tree. I lived happily in a beautiful nest with my family. My mother used to feed me different fruits and nuts available in the forest. When I grew up I started flying happily. I made many friends during this period. We all used to roam around and eat fresh fruits, corn, grains, etc. In the evening we used to return back to our nests. Those were the happiest days of my life. But I was not aware of my future.

One day while picking up grains, unfortunately, I was trapped in a net. I tried to get out of the net but could not succeed. I begged my friends but they could not do anything. After some time the birdcatcher came and he caught me and fastened my legs. He then kept me in a cage and took me to a bird shop. I was in this shop for about one month. Two days back your father came into the shop and bought me for you.

You provide me with all kinds of luxuries, I get fresh and tasty fruits every day. My cage is very nicely decorated. I know you love me very much. But just think, if you are kept in a big house and all kinds of luxuries are available to you. But you are not allowed to go out of that house even for a minute, would you be happy? The same is the case with me. I just hate being in this golden jail.

I remember my golden old days and feel very sad. You are so cautious of your own independence, then how can you keep us confined? That’s all I can tell you. Now it’s up to you, whether to keep me in this cage or set me free”. Ramu then stopped talking. We felt as if he was crying.

My friend and I looked at each other. We realized Ramu’s feelings. My friend took the cage to the balcony and opened the door of cage. For a second, Ramu could not believe it but then he came out of the cage and sat on the railing of the balcony. He bowed his head slightly and spread his wings. Next moment he was in the sky flying happily. We waved our hands and wished him luck.

Essay On Story Of A Parrot


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