Essay On The Post Office in my Town

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay On The Post Office in my Town

It is a necessity to have a post office. It enables us to send and receive letters, parcels, money orders, speed post and registered letters as well as saving banks and postal insurance.

Our local post office is a large one. It is in a new building and it is very spacious. Many people are employed in our post office. It is a busy place. You see people constantly going into the post office or coming out of it.

There are several counters in our Post Office. At one counter you will get stamps, at another you can register letters. Other counters are meant for sending money orders, spped posts or sending parcels, saving bank and postal insurance etc. There are long queues at every counter. If you wish to send a money order or register a letter it takes you quite a long time. You will have to await your turn by standing in a queue.

You can see postmen coming into the office to pick up the mail before going on their rounds to deliver letters. Some men are seen busy sorting out the letters. There is constant activity at the post office. Having a post office is a great convenience. We have a quick and efficient postal service.

Essay On The Post Office in my Town


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