Essay On The Student & The Discipline

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Set 1: Essay On The Student & The Discipline

In the life of a student, the value of discipline is great. His is a disciplined life, a life of self-control. He knows the value of ‘First deserve then desire, first obey and then be obeyed.’

The life of a student is a life of dedication, devotion and penance. He has to observe self control and discipline. He has to shun way wardness.

He has to be strong and firm. He has to for sake A student should the comforts of an easy life. A student should get up early in the morning. He should leave aside laziness. he should be active and smart. He should be wide awake.

He must not shirk hard work. His diligence and labour will pay him in the long run. If he leads a dedicated life in the early period of his life, his future is bright. He will reach the heights of greatness. Success will crown him.

It is discipline which will inculcate in him good habits. It will give him the strength of character. He will develop powers of head and heart. His moral teachings and bookish knowledge should begun side by side.

Then he will come out as a pure gem. Then he is well-cut, moulded and polished. His glean will shine in every direction. He will be a model to others.

What is teaching? It is the sum total of a few good habits. They are truth, punctuality, regularity, discipline and diligence. A student. who picks up these ideal things at the earliest, remains ‘the best’ throughout life. He faces no hardship in later life. He tops the list in every field.

Class room and play ground are ‘the nursery’ of these finer traits. There they can be learnt best. Such a disciplined chap will create order out of chaos. He will set ‘standard’ in every walk of life. He will be ‘honoured’ every where.

The people around will look at him with respectful awe. In the society he will hold a place of great pride. Respect begets respect. Similarly discipline begets discipline.

The period of school life is the best period. It is the period and inculcating. It is the of 10 period of formation. Let us pick and choose good habits as many as we can.

Essay On The Student & The Discipline

Set 2: Essay On Students and Discipline

Education means the all round development of a child’s personality. It means developing a child and setting healthy habits which will equip him for efficient and respectable life in society.

Discipline has been variously defined. But the best form of discipline is one which is natural, spontaneous call the individual. It is what my old teacher used discipline. A sunflower opens itself naturally, spontaneously and effortlessly, to the rays of the sun. An individual personality likewise should respond to the needs of discipline.

The need of discipline among student can cannot be over stressed. The future of our country depends on the quality of our students. If our students are well behaved and disciplined, our future is secure.

The law of discipline is an awareness of what is proper and what is improper. A disciplined person knows his place in life and his relations with others. He honours the social code and honours the law. In short, a man of discipline has an order and pattern in life.

It is only when a child is learning at school that he can be given opportunities to learn the rules of discipline, co-operation and obedience to law. It is these laws of discipline which distinguishes a cultured community from an uncultured one.

Past student unrest in the country can give us a fair idea of what happens to us when the students lack discipline. This should, with a little imagination, show us the shape of things to come, if no heed is paid to the necessity of discipline among the students.


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