Essay On Tree Plantation Necessity Of Today

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Essay On Tree Plantation Necessity Of Today
Essay On Tree Plantation Necessity Of Today

Essay On Tree Plantation Necessity Of Today

Trees play an important role in our life. It is impossible to imagine life on earth without trees. Trees also safeguard our existence. Nature is of great help to mankind. We get fuel, furniture, food, shelter, medicines, and a number of other necessary things from trees. They help in the conservation of water. Trees are important in preventing drought, floods, soil erosion, etc. They increase the water retention capacity of the soil.

Many plants and trees have medicinal value. Their flowers, fruits, seeds, skin are used to prepare many medicines. They give us fruits, fragrances, clothes, and fuel. We get useful substances like rubber and gum from trees. Trees provide a natural habitat for birds and animals. Trees absorb carbon dioxide gas from the air and provide us with a fresh and pure atmosphere. They have the power to prevent all kinds of pollution. They give us clean and refreshing surroundings. We feel cool and comfortable when we are with nature. Fulfilling our needs is the only aim of trees.

However, more and more trees are being cut down all over the world for different purposes. We cut trees for fodder, timber, mining, making paper, etc. Urbanization, industrialization, and submergence of forests due to the construction of dams are some other reasons for the depletion of forests. Naturally, we are facing the problem of pollution. If there are no trees on earth, the atmosphere would become very hot. It would harm life on earth. Neither man nor trees can live without each other. So we should try to protect the existing trees and plant more and more trees. We should protect our forests. That is the only solution for overcoming the problems like drought and pollution.

Essay On Tree Plantation Necessity Of Today


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