Essay on A Cold Day In Winter

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Essay on A Cold Day In Winter

In hot countries, people generally welcome winter. But in cold countries, they consider it a cruel season. However, even in hot countries, winter sometimes seems cruel when it is unbearably cold.

This is how I felt on 28th January last. I had a disturbed sleep at night due to intense cold. As I woke up, I found the day no better. I took courage to open the door of bed-room. A waft of biting cold greeted me and I began to shiver. I at once shut the door. It seemed that my hands and feet were becoming numb. I at once rushed to my bed and covered myself with the warm woollen quilt.

I asked my mother to prepare tea for me. She at once complied to my request and brought a cup of sizzling tea to me. As I sipped hot tea, I got some relief. I took courage to have a bath with luke-warm water. After the bath I again fell shivering with cold. Clouds of vapour were coming out of my mouth. Now, I took a cup of hot milk with my breakfast.

I went to school fully loaded with warm clothes but still feeling uneasy because of cold. The same was the condition of other children.

As I returned home we took meals in the dining room with doors all shut. We took hot pakoras with tea in the evening. Then some guests arrived. More than anything else, the main topic of all the talk was cold.

As I sat for doing my homework, my hands refused to work properly because of cold. My mother switched on the room-heater. After a few minutes, the air in the room became warm and all of us heaved a sigh of relief.

The evening news bulletin said that it was the coldest day of the year.

Essay on A Cold Day In Winter
Essay on A Cold Day In Winter

Essay on A Cold Day In Winter


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