Essay on My School

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  • Reading time:16 mins read
Essay My School
Essay on My School

Set 1: Essay on My School

I study in D.A.V. Public Senior Secondary School. It is a double storeyed building. It is situated in Rohini. The ground floor is for junior classes and the first floor is for senior classes. It is one of the best schools in the Rohini.

It is a big school. The building of the school is very beautiful. There are twenty- two class rooms in it. All rooms are airy and big.

There is a big library and a science laboratory in my school. It has many books on different subjects. We daily go to the library and read books. There is also a staff- room, an assembly hall and Principal office.

About seven hundred students read in my school. They do well in the examinations. There are forty teachers in our school. They are highly experienced. They are hardworking. They teach us very sincerely.

Our Principal is a nice lady. She likes discipline in the school. She is a guide to students. Our school is famous for good results. I am proud of my school and teachers.

Essay on My School
Essay on My School

Set 2: Essay on My School

Educational institutions are the true seat of learning. The students who are really anxious to learn, can develop themselves only in the school. In a school, we are taught how to move in society, how to behave with others and how to progress in life.

I read in the Vasant Valley Public School, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. There is a garden ouside the school building which presents a beautiful view. Its grassy lawns, flowers and the eucalyptus trees growing near the gate add to its beauty.

Besides the beautiful building, spacious grounds and flower beds, there are other things which attract everyone’s attention. There is a grand swimming pool where students are taught how to swim. The school has its own canteen where some eatables, hot tea and cold drinks are always available at reasonable rates. Hygienic conditions prevail in and around the school canteen. Besides this there is a cycle shed where the teachers and students park their cycles and scooters. A peon is always there to look after the vehicles.

Our school has won many trophies in Inter School debates and other extra curricular activities. The hockey and football teams of our school were adjudged the best team of the zone last year. This year too, we hope to maintain this record.

In studies also our school shows good result every year. Our school’s results always come in the merit list. Our. Principal is a great scholar. He meets some of the classes himself once a week to ensure good and better teaching. The teachers are well qualified and trained. They take pains in teaching. The students are well behaved and intelligent. The sports teacher of our school has also worked a lot for the benefit of the students of our school.

The educational authorities are satisfied with our school. I am proud of my school. It is our first and foremost duty to respect our school.

Set 3: Essay on My School

A school is a sacred place of learning as it plays significant part in shaping the overall personality of a child. I am a student of Bal Bharti Public School, Dwarka, New Delhi. It is one of the best schools of Delhi. The building of my school is four-storeyed. There are sixty five classrooms, a big hall, a large library, four laboratories and four staff rooms in my school. It has a visitors’ room, administrative block, a large courtyard and another hall for cultural activities. The Principal’s room is in the administrative block. We have a big playground and a swimming pool where all facilities to learn swimming are provided My school laboratories are well-equipped and the school library has thousands of books on all subjects. My school has its own canteen where snacks, tea, coffee and cold drinks are available at subsidised rates.

The teachers of my school are highly experienced and qualified. They are a team of devoted teachers headed by an experienced and highly qualified principal. They love students and guide them in the best possible way. There are about 2300 students boys and girls in my school. Education is imparted in all the four streams arts, commerce, science and computers.

My school holds special classes for weak students. Brilliant students are also given extra coaching. Meritorious students, the poor and the needy are given scholarships and stipends. I like my school very much and I am proud to be a student of Bal Bharti Public School.

Set 4: Essay on My School

I go to one of the oldest schools in my town. My school is over one hundred and sixty years old. It was started with a small number of pupils and one building. Today it has four buildings and over five thousand pupils on its rolls.

The four buildings of my school consist twentysix class rooms in each. It also has a large playground and a well-equipped library and laboratory. We play all kinds of game such as hockey, footbali and cricket. We like to spend our free time doing experiments in our laboratory. Our library has many interesting and instructive books. It also has many magazines and newspapers.

Our Principal is a good and kindly man. He is kind but firm in running the school and maintaining discipline. He works very hard to keep up the discipline of the school and its high standard of teaching,

Our teachers are highly qualified and well-trained. They are efficient and industrious. At the same time, they are considerate and sympathetic.

Our school also conducts several extra-curricular activities. We are trained in debating, elocution and dramatics. We also have our own troop of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. All these varied activities give us an all round education. I am very proud of my school. We have got karate classes, classical dance classes as well as various sports and games classes.

Set 5: Essay on My School

I study in Cambridge School which is one of the best schools of Mumbai. It has a stone building. It has all the facilities a good school should have well-furnished classrooms, laboratories, library and playgrounds.

As we enter the school, there is a playground to our left and a small garden to our right. When we enter the building, the principal’s room and the office room are to the left and the staff room to the right side. These are well-furnished. There are thirty-four classrooms. Our laboratories are well-equipped. Our library has books on almost all the subjects. Our librarian is also very nice and helps us choose good books.

Our school, like all schools, has a prescribed uniform. We have to wear white or cream cotton shirts, light blue trousers, black shoes and white socks. Girls have to wear white blouses and light-blue skirts in primary and middle classes and white shirts and light-grey skirts in higher classes. They have to tie their long hair with white ribbons.

In our school special attention is paid to behaviour, cleanliness and punctuality. The most well-behaved, neat and punctual student is awarded a prize at the Annual Day function.

Our principal is a strict disciplinarian. He takes the help of P.T. teachers too. If any student violates the rules, is not in uniform, or makes mischief, gets punished. But he is fair and loving. He tries to find out the reason and guides us.

Our teachers are also quite strict. They teach us with great care, check our notebooks and help us with our problems. But if we are inattentive and don’t work properly, we are punished.

I like my school very much and am proud that I belong to it.

Set 6: Essay on My School

Vidyalaya means the school or home of learning, meaning where learning takes place. In our sanskaras, Vidya has been given the place of Goddess, and the school has been given the likeness of ‘Temple.’ My school is such a subject, on which it is often given to writing essays, etc. We spend the most important time in our school, and we have many memories attached to the school. That’s why school is very important in everyone’s life. Today we will write an essay on essay on my school.

Essay on My School 400 Words

School is regarded as a temple of learning. It is also considered as a training institution for future good citizens. Unfortunately, not every child is privileged to go to a school.

I study in one of the oldest schools in the city. The name of my school is ‘Delzin T. Ookajee Girls’ High School. The name of the school is written on the board of the front building. My school is 139 years old. It was established by a Parsi group of generous people way back in 1876. They donated land and money for the school.

Our school has three buildings and a huge playground. It even has a campus. A small hostel for outstation students is situated on the campus. In the beginning, our school was limited to two buildings. The third building was built just thirty years before. Each building has three floors. More than two thousand students study in my school. The three buildings of my school consist of thirty-nine classrooms. It has a laboratory and a big library. Our library has a collection of more than ten thousand books. The office is on the first floor.

The Principal’s office is next to the staff room on the second floor. Every building of our school has a dining hall. Students use this hall to enjoy their lunch break. There are in all thirty-one teachers and eight peons in my school. All of them carry out their duties with great responsibility, pride, and dedication.

All the teachers are well qualified, trained, and experienced. Our Principal is a learned man. He teaches us Mathematics and Science. We have a huge assembly hall situated on the ground floor. Daily we assemble for our morning prayers. Annual prize distribution function and other activities are held in the assembly hall. My classroom is on the first floor. An annual sport is held on the playground. We have a small water fountain on one side of the ground.

Every year we celebrate Republic Day, Independence Day, Teacher’s Day as well as Children’s Day in our school. We also organize debate and quiz competitions. My school publishes a yearly magazine named ‘Delzonian’ All the interesting events of the school are mentioned in the magazine. My school also runs Boxing classes, dance classes as well as classes for different sports and games. We also have our own troop of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides.

I am very proud of my school. The discipline, the study atmosphere, and the excellent academic result of our school fascinate many students from distant parts of our state. Therefore, one can say that I study in an ideal school in every respect.

Essay On My School 500 Words

Children are the real asset of any nation. This asset is kept secure in a school. Here children learn a lot of things and grow up to be cultured and well-behaved citizens and contribute to the progress of a nation.

My school is within walking distance from my house. My school building is three-storeyed. The building looks very attractive because of the stone outer walls. The school contains 40 classrooms which are very spacious. Special attention is paid to cleanliness. A dustbin is provided for each classroom and students are asked to throw the garbage in it only. Apart from this, the classrooms are cleaned every day. This helps in maintaining a clean and hygienic atmosphere in the school.

Our school has a total of 3000 students. The school conducts classes from standard 5th to standard 12th. There is a separate staff room for all the teachers. The Office of the Principal and vice principal is just near the main door. The school building is surrounded by many trees. A very well-maintained garden with colorful flowers on both sides of the entrance makes one happy and feel fresh.

Behind the school building, there is a big playground. Here we play many games, right from kabaddi to cricket. Special coaching is provided for the students here. Our school has won many trophies and prizes in various inter-school tournaments. The school is well equipped with all the necessary sports material. Students learn and practice swimming in the centrally placed swimming tank. It has also got a big and spacious recreation hall where different kinds of intellectual and entertainment programs are held.

Our school timings are from morning 8 to afternoon 2 o’clock. We start our prayer with the Gayatri mantra followed by a small instructive talk or a moral story. The classes start immediately after that. The latecomers are punished. A security guard is always present at the entrance for the safety of the children. A thought is written on the blackboard every day and students are expected to put it into practice. Our school is very strict in case of discipline. The uniforms, nails, of students, are checked every day. A monthly report is sent to the parents.

We also have a very good library housed in a small hall. The library contains books on all subjects and we get newspapers and monthly or weekly subscriptions there. We, students, make full use of this facility. A doctor visits our school regularly. Uniforms and books are distributed to the poor and needy students. Scholarships are given to intelligent students. We invite a renowned person as a guest every year for our annual day. Various sports activities and cultural programs are held on this occasion. The winners and meritorious students are awarded on this day.

Our school is definitely an ideal school because of all these qualities. I am very proud of my school.


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