Essay On My Class Teacher

  • Post category:Essay
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Set 1: Essay On My Class Teacher

In today’s education system, different teachers teach different subjects to a particular class. So the students come in contact with many teachers. All these teachers influence the students in some or the other way. But the class teacher is the one who is in close contact with the students for most of the time. The class teacher has to take the roll call regularly. She or he knows all the personal details of almost all the students in that class. So he or she understands them the best.

Mrs. Saroj Joshi is incharge of our class. She is tall, slim and smart. She is very fare, with an attractive personality and long hair. She must be around 35 years old. She is soft-spoken but very strict as well. She never tolerates indiscipline and is never partial to anyone. She teaches us Sanskrit. She has perfect command over the language. She makes the subject very interesting and teaches grammar very keenly. She explains the lessons with the help of a number of examples so as to make them clear and easy to understand. While explaining the shlokas she quotes the equivalent famous marathi verses. She also tries to solve personal problems of the students. She never waste time sitting idle. She is always busy with some or the other activity

Joshi madam is incharge of cultural events conducted in the school. She encourages the students to participate in various extra curricular activities. All teachers respect her. Our principal admires her working style. She is also a good poetess. Her poems are published regularly in the school magazine. I like those poems very much.

Students always score good marks in Sanskrit. She organizes school picnics and tries to improve our understanding about the surroundings. I am so influenced by this teacher that I wish to walk on her foot prints and be a successful teacher. I like my teacher very much

Set 2: Essay On My Class Teacher

Teaching profession is a very noble profession and calls for the qualities of head and heart in men and women. An ideal teacher can mould the career of a child towards a bright future. That is why a teacher is called the nation-builder.

I study in Air Force Bal Bharti School, Lodhi Road, New Delhi. There are about forty five teachers in our school. All these teachers are very good, highly qualified and well experienced.

But, Mrs. Savitri, my class teacher, is my favourite teacher. She is an M.A. B.Ed. and teaches us English in our second period.

Mrs. Savitri is the master of her subject. Her method of teaching is very simple and she can make even the most difficult chapters look easy. She has a very clear voice and her handwriting is very beautiful. My class teacher never beats students. She loves all the students like her own children. She is very punctual, disciplined and never wastes her time in useless talks. She is impartial and treats everyone alike but she does not tolerate indiscipline in the class. She takes great pains to make students understand the topics thoroughly. She teaches her students with love and care and she ensures that every student has understood the particular lesson.

Essay On My Class Teacher

Set 3: Essay On My Class Teacher

I read in standard VII. Miss Sarita Verma is my class teacher. She is an M.A., M.Ed. She is an experienced teacher.

She is a charming lady. She is stout. She is of fair colour. She teaches us English and Music. She makes her lesson interesting. She never gets irritated when students ask her their doubts. She explains again and again. She is about 27 years of age.

She is always cheerful. She is a nice teacher. She never gets angry when a student fails to learn. She encourages him or her to learn again and again. She explains things in simple and clear manner. She is gentle and soft-spoken.

She is always ready to help her pupils. But she is very strict in discipline. She always wants us to be disciplined and tidy. I am glad that Miss Sarita Verma is my classteacher. She makes her teaching interesting with the help of charts, maps, or toys. Sometimes she takes us on a visit to some interesting place.

She is very simple. Due to her good qualities students always praise her and hold her in high esteem. I always take care to do well in the class and try to be like her. I am proud of my class teacher.

Set 4: Essay On My Class Teacher

I am a student of Class VI in Delhi Public School. There are seven teachers in our school. One of them is our class teacher. He takes the first period in our class.

The name of our class teacher is Mr. Naveen Rana. He is a trained graduate. He knows English and History quite well. He is very regular in his work. His voice is clear. He writes a good hand.

Mr. Naveen has a tall figure. He is about five feet tall. He has fair colour. He is about fifty-five now. He wears a suit of pant and coat. He puts on shoes and stockings. He does not use neck tie.

Mr. Naveen comes to my class every day in the first period. He makes the roll-call. He marked us present. The absentees are marked absent. The latecomers are marked late. On the fee-collection day he takes the school fees, instead, he gives us receipts. He looks to the general wellbeing of the class. He knows each of us by name, as a class teacher, he does his duties regularly. Besides, he takes a subject in our class. He teaches us English. On every Saturday we have a debating class. He presides over our meetings for the debate.

As a class-teacher, Mr. Naveen is quite good. He is never rude to us. He never gets angry. He never loses his temper. He is liked by everyone in our class.


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